Frequently Asked Questions

How does the victim Advocate program work?

Our Services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. Victim Advocates are available through a collaboration with Gulf Coast Sexual Assault Program (GCSAP).

  • Advocates respond to victims 24 hours a day to provide crisis intervention and appropriate referrals.
  • You can call 24/7, to contact an advocate at (866) 218-4738.
  • If you are unable to reach an advocate contact 911 or (850) 774-2705 (FSU PC Police Department).

Why does FSU need victim advocacy?

FSU recognizes that the university campus is a community of its own and that it holds a responsibility to that community. Victims in any community should have access to appropriate and compassionate support for their needs as well as access to advocates in legal and educational processes. Florida State University Panama City collaborates with the Gulf Coast Victim Advocate Program to provide those services.

Who can use the victim advocate program?

A confidential advocate is on call twenty-four hours a day to respond to FSU students, faculty, and staff who are victimized anywhere or at any time, as well as any other person who is victimized on our campus, at an FSU sponsored event, or by an FSU community member.

Services offered include emotional support, instructor notification, referrals, crisis intervention and assistance in student conduct, legal and medical matters.

The GCSAP offers services for sexual assault victims.

What services are offered?

At the request of the victim; a victim advocate will:

  • Contact professors and employers on the person’s behalf.
  • Contact Financial Aid and Withdrawal services when a victimization impacts grades.
  • Provide appropriate referrals:
    • To individual counseling services and support groups.
    • To medical services – an advocate can accompany a victim to any of the Panama City/Panama City Beach hospitals for anything related to a victimization.
    • To Legal and Judicial services – an advocate can accompany a victim and assist in filling out paperwork; attend judicial proceedings; maintain contact with the police department, State Attorney’s Office and FSU Office of Student’s Rights and Responsibilities regarding the student’s case.
    • To funding source for relocation.

The Victim Advocates are ultimately here to listen and provide support.

Will I have to file a police report?

No, you are not required to fill out a police report.

Are there educational services offered through VAP?

The Victim Advocate Program offers educational presentations to campus organizations on various victim issues. For more information or to schedule a presentation, contact Rochelle Kyle at

The VAP also offers bachelor’s and master’s level internships. Please request information on this program Katie Frewin at